The story of a dress through the imagination of women.
In 2008, I found my cousin’s old wedding dress in a box while cleaning out her garage. She gave it to me, thinking I could do something creative with it. This began the Adventures of the Dress. Over the next six years, I’ve shot various women in different cities in the same dress- allowing them to add their own flares to the shoot.
From the deserts of Nevada to the beaches of Mexico, West coast and East…this dress has traveled far with exceptional women who are inspirational and fierce. The dress has given them that day to just be themselves, feel beautiful, strong and happy. This dress lives on in the lives of other women. Wandering through different landscapes, this dress has experienced the various stories these women have to tell.
The dress’ classification is long gone. It’s now just the Dress. The raw silk is discoloring, the bottom is stained with dirt, and the tulle is frayed at the edges. It’s got scars, like a lot of us.
Adventures of the Dress is published by Trash Panda Press.